Welcome to FIT/CorteXlab → Create an account → Access the testbed → Book the testbed → Preparing your build env. → Follow some tutorials
Experimental workflow → Uploading your experiment → Creating a task → Submitting the task → Monitoring the experiment → Gathering results → Downloading the results
Documentation & How-to → Docker → Docker Images → Using Docker Containers → Scenario file format → Experimenting with the USRPs → How to use PicoSDR within CorteXlab → Building a toolchain → GNURadio OOT modules → Embedding OOT modules or custom libraries/binaries in a minus scenario → FFTWeb
FIT/CorteXlab Toolchain
Don't forget to read the FAQ.
CorteXlab tools: Reservation status Web signal viewer
Presence in Conferences and Workshops: 1st Grid5000-FIT School 1st French GNU Radio days Winter School ISP-IoT IEEE INFOCOM 2019-CNERT Workshop
Datasets: Deep Learning datasets
External ressources: Markdown Syntax CorteXlab Website
Here you'll find all information regarding the framework demo.