FIT/CorteXlab Tutorials
Here are some tutorials, in increasing order of complexity. We advise beginners to follow the tutorials in the order they're presented.
Important : these tutorials are based upon the use of docker, be sure to have it installed on your computer. This will be the only requirement as we will provide you images with environments suitable for your local computer and the platform
- Tutorial 1: GNU Radio Docker Benchmark example This is the “Hello world” of Cortexlab using docker
- Tutorial 2: Bokehgui for CorteXlab How to get eyes and ears inside the platform during your experiment
- Tutorial 3: LoRa dynamic PHY layer example Introduction to the LoRa project
- Tutorial 4: Cache Aided Polar Coding – [Under development]
- Tutorial 5: EPHYL framework V2– [Under development] An IoT-like network with slotted and synchronized transmissions for channel access policies
- Tutorial 6: Creating Datasets for Fingerprinting
- Tutorial 7: AFF3CT based DVB-S2 benchmark example
Looking to learn GNU Radio? Follow GNU Radio's own GNU Radio tutorials
You can find bellow some older tutorials based on the legacy method. Here you will not use docker but you will have to install all softwares on your local computer. You can refer to the toolchain installation page if you want to follow those tutorials. However we recommend that you use the new and easier method based on docker.
- Tutorial 1: GNU Radio Benchmark example. This is the “hello world” of CorteXlab!
- Tutorial 2: Sharing the testbed with other users. How to allow other users to share the testbed with you (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
- Tutorial 3: From A to Z: GNU Radio with CorteXlab using USRPs. Starting from a clean sheet to a running experiment in CorteXlab using USRPs.
- Tutorial 4: From A to Z: GNU Radio with CorteXlab using PicoSDRs. Starting from a clean sheet to a running experiment in CorteXlab using PicoSDRs.
- Tutorial 5: Custom bitstream with PicoSDR. Let's see how to use a custom bitstream on a PicoSDR.
- Tutorial 6: Spectrum analyzer example. Introduction of the feedback tool. (to be written, see FFT Web)
- Tutorial 7: Channel estimation example. Your first useful experiment with CorteXlab. A more complex usage of the feedback tool. (to be written)